
When „customized“ makes the manufacturing process exciting

When „customized“ makes the manufacturing process exciting

Initial situation
Successful machine manufacturers set trends and are developing dynamically. They specify the applied technology exactly according to the needs of the respective machine. In mobile hydraulics, annual purchase quantities of a few thousand pieces for highly integrated hydraulic, filtration and tank solutions are the rule.

ARGO-HYTOS has recognized this trend and has followed the concept of “ZERO SET-UP TIME” for several years. Through the use of networked components, “production facilities 4.0” are developed in our own plant engineering. Such as the “Laser Cube 4.0” which has been put into operation at the factory in Kraichtal, Germany, in December 2015.
The “Laser Cube 4.0” has been optimized for flexibility and cost reduction in the manufacture of highly integrated plastic system and plastic tank solutions. The flexible configuration of the system consists of interconnected core components which communicate with each other partly directly and partly via a machine controller. The on a moderate industrial robot mounted laserhead can freely move in space and thereby weld even complex geometries in different welding levels. The sophisticated laser optics allows both the laser transmitted light welding as well as the quasi-simultaneous welding of plastic parts, sequentially in one welding operation. An in the plant control system integrated online monitoring and control of temperature in the melt ensures optimum welding results at maximum welding speed.

Benefits at a glance

  • Possibility to economically realize even smallquantities of customized highly integratedplastic system and plastic tank solutions
  • A maximum in flexibility and independenceof component geometries
  • Targeted tuning of the system functions


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